What I got up to in the week, including observers shooting, a server polling control and more feedback for the players.
Planes of Blue Max: Albatros D.III
The planes of Blue Max posts will each focus on a different plane available in the game. Stats and history of the real plane and the characteristics of the plane as rendered in the game. The first plane featured is the Albatros D.III
Progress Report – 24 January 2010
What I got up to in the week, including completion of the new invite system, and adding a new plane. The new invite system dispenses with scenarios – players can now choose their own planes and not have them dictated by the scenario.
Hexcell Games History
Hexcell Games started when I realised the similarities between my own original game, Momentum, which I had been mulling over for years, and the game Blue Max.
Progress Report – 17 January 2010
What I got up to in the week, which consisted mainly of reworking the game invitation interface.
Progress Report – 10 January 2010
What I got up to this week, which was very little Hexcell related. In other news I laid a lot of pavers. I do talk about my plans for the reworking the invite/scenario system.
Scenarios, Campaigns and Pilots
The current scenario system is a good start, but its lacks flexibility. I want to a free-form game creation system that can ultimately lead to the implementation of campaigns and pilots.
Progress Report – 3 January 2010
What I got up to in the week, including multiple planes in one hex, multiple colour schemes to a plane, managing your friends list and playing some non-Blue Max related boardgames.