So this week saw quite few changes to the site. The ability to pick up inactive users’ planes seems to have got a lot of stalled games started again.

The forums are not very active yet, but MaxMM Schlecht has given me some in depth feedback on his frustration with the new interface. His feedback has immediately lead me to a most embarrassing discovery – the interface only works as advertised in Chrome. In IE and Firefox it is ugly and misbehaves.

How could this have happened? Don’t you test across browsers? I really have no good answer. Chrome is my go to browser and I use it exclusively when I am not developing. I do have IE7 and Firefox on my machine for testing purposes. However I cannot view the local, development server I run in either IE or Firefox. Its a frustration I have been able to live with because my favourite browser still works. That’s all good, but when I cannot test my local copy, it just does not get tested it appears.

Anyway enough excuses. I am on the case now.