Today I put live some changes to the homepage to make it a little more coherent. The giant red ‘join now’ button is gone. Instead Kitchener now points at you.
The homepage change also makes room for a newsletter subscription form. There are some big announcements coming for Hexcell Games and this is the first step in getting the word out there. Users with validated email addresses will be signed up automatically. Don’t worry I have made it very easy to unsubscribe if you want.
Development continues on campaigns and they are very close to ready. I know I have been saying that for a while but this time I am actually contemplating a launch date – hence newsletters.
I have been in contact with one group who are playing a Blue Max campaign and it has been very interesting seeing the rules and systems they use.
On an unrelated note
A site user pointed me at If you are going to be near New Caney, Texas this December you may want to check it out. It promises 32 hours of gaming packed into two days. Sleeping is optional and discouraged. Being on the other side of the world I will unfortunately not be attending. If you are going remember to tell people about Hexcell Games.
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