Phil Hall, Blue Max and Hexcell Games
Phil Hall is the designer of the Blue Max board game.
I thought I had an understanding with Phil from February 2010 that I could proceed developing an online version of his game.
Phil did not in fact give me his permission.
It took over a year for me to learn I had got it completely wrong.
Blue Max is no longer available on Hexcell Games.
A Little History
I started developing my version of Blue Max in late 2009. It got a quiet public release in late December of that year, only after I had unsuccessfully tried to contact Phil Hall by email. I always acknowledged that this was not my design and credited Phil in the about pages and provided a link to the Canvas Eagles site.
In February 2010 Phil contacted me through the site. It turns out that I had the wrong email address when I had tried to contact him previously. I explained my position and he explained that the YouPlay.it website had sole permission to do an online version of Blue Max and he would only let me go ahead if YouPlay.it were OK with it. In a follow-up email he informed me that he had spoken to YouPlay.it and they were fine with it. In his own words “I have no objections, so best of luck with it.”
Five hours later Phil sent me another email. He had legal advice that in order to protect his copyright he needed to stop more copies of Blue Max appearing online. So he asked me not to put it online.
Now here is the thing: I did not get this second email.
I only know of it and its timing because Phil forwarded me a copy of the email replete with timestamp. Had I received it back then Hexcell’s version of Blue Max would have stopped development there and then. As it was both Phil and I left the discussion with completely different understandings about what would happen next.
More Recent History
On April 12 2011 I received an email from one of the site users informing me that my use of Blue Max was “illegal”. This was totally unexpected. I replied I had permission from Phil Hall to use Blue Max and asked him where he got the idea.
Shortly thereafter another user posted in the Hexcell Games forums a partial copy of a YouPlay.it forum post made by Phil. I went to YouPlay.it where I found several more posts by Phil.
This was the first I had heard of Phil not giving his permission to me to use Blue Max. I immediately emailed him to see if this was indeed true. He replied that it was, including a copy of the email I did not receive back in February 2010.
I removed Blue Max from the Hexcell site, even before I had written an extremely apologetic email to Phil.
You expect me to believe this?
Right, so you just happened to get the “Go” email and not the “Stop” email? That seems extremely convenient, don’t you think?
It does. And I have no excuse or explanation for how it happened other than: That’s how it happened.
I would understand if you think I am a jerk. Trust me – I feel like a jerk right now. In hindsight I can see that I did everything above board – seeking permission at the beginning, continuing on under the impression I had it and immediately pulling the game when I learned that I didn’t. But that does not stop the sickening feeling at the thought that somewhere, out there on the Internet, are people who now think I am a jerk. Or that Phil Hall, designer of a game I love, now thinks I am a jerk.
The Future
Blue Max is gone from the Hexcell site. Perhaps some time in the future Phil in his magnanimity might allow me to resurrect it. If he doesn’t I begrudge him nothing. Its his IP and he needs to defend it.
I am going to take a break from Hexcell Games for a while. Think about the lessons I have learned and the direction I want to take it. There will eventually be new games of my own design on the site. It is extremely doubtful any of them will feature WWI aerial combat.
Begin the commiserations and/or trolling now.
Mostly I feel sad about the whole miscommunication. I watched you sink hours and hours into happily chipping away at the development of the game. I remember you mentioning you’d sought and received permission when you showed me the game-in-progress ages ago too.
I hope you don’t get too much flak mate.
I feel bad too. Mostly about all the time you spent on developing another version of BM online for fans of the game to enjoy. I, for one, don’t doubt your intentions or sincerity. Email may be convenient and fast, but it is far from 100% reliable! And I know there is no way BM was a money maker for you, so that couldn’t be it. It was discouraging to see how readily a number of people, both here and on youplay, were to cast you in the role of villain. I guess that’s just how some people are.
Anyway, try not to be too soured by the experience. I enjoyed your BM game and will keep my fingers crossed that it will make a return someday. Until then, best wishes on your future endeavers!
a.k.a. MaxxMM Schlecht
Sorry things went the way they did; I realize you poured a lot of time and effort in bringing your version of BM to life. I wish you best of luck with your other endeavors here at Hexcell games.
As an aside, there’s a WW2 rules set, Warbirds, that’s been developed based on the BM concept by other individuals. I’ve never played it, nor read thru the rules, just browsed the plane charts online. There doesn’t seem to be any online version of the game at present. Perhaps you could apply what you’ve learned and developed using BM with that rules set with permission from the author(s)? I’d certainly be interested in seeing such a game myself.
You’re not a jerk, misunderstandings happens. Awesome work, though.
Would be great if the Blue Max development would go on, then giving the proper revenue to rights owners make it a pay-for-play.
I won’t mind to pay a reasonable fee to play a legal Blue Max version online. I got two original copies of the game, bought them in 90’s. But it’s not easy for me now to organize games.
Seriously, they should make it an online game, with full development and maybe a basic free version, with options to buy stuff (like planes schemes, or pilot’s berths). Sort of League of Legends marketing style.
Good luck mate.
Sorry for this happening to you.
You made a great job and had great ideas (the campaign games with increasing experience was one of them).
I enjoyed the fights we had as opponents or wingmen.
Good luck Justin
Best Regards
I’m sorry to hear that Justin, as you have clearly put a lot of effort into making a very enjoyable game. I hope you can resurrect it in some form.
I’m sorry to hear that; it was a great game and good fun.
I don’t think you are in any way a jerk – I teach in uni and every day I get a couple of dozen emails from students, as well as far too many “all users” into my mailbox I have deleted important emails unread, I have had emails eaten by the spam filter, and I have failed to actually hit “send” on emails because I got distracted so I think the story is reasonable.
I think you have a very fine implementation of a difficult topic, good stable code, a fan base and a web footprint, and if Phil is smart (and I hope he is reading this) he will go with what works. Blue max will not make anyone an internet millionaire, but if he is realistic, you and he can make a few bucks out of it, and maybe get into the growing market for good games on the iPad/Android market.
I think you and Phil Hall could make money off this! I know I would pay a reasonable monthly subscription to play _your_ version online with my friends. So consider the possibility that your time has not been wasted. It would be nice if Mr. Hall saw fit to collaborate with you in the future because this was an EXCELLENT implementation of the game. I thank you for the effort you put into it and it is very much appreciated.
Warm regards,
I first heard about this site from youplay.it. After playing on here witht he better graphics I haven’t been back to youplay.it. I know my account has been deactivated as I got the email. It’s a shame as I thought I saw some stuff on their forums that Phil had given you the buy off to do this site. But……… Here’s a site that LOTS of free rule sets for lots of table top games. It’s where I found the Easy SHips game I’m trying to develop. http://www.freewargamesrules.co.uk/
I haven’t gotten bit by the Deuce or Die bug but am hoping to see some other games from you in the future. Or even a chance to bring back BM.
Wow, my Hexcell t-shirt will be a collector’s item! That kinda sucks, Evil Count, I hope you wrote your code modularly so components can be reused in other games. Also, better check with Larry Levy.
Sorry to hear about the Blue Max being pulled, really enjoyed the campaign you developed and for letting me help out with the Beta test.
Keep up the good work
I’m sorry this has happened to you. It’s obvious you’ve gone about doing everything properly or you would never have contacted Phil to follow up on the comments people posted. I hope that you can reinstate the game with permission some day or that you can at least apply what you’ve learnt to a new game of your own. Best of Luck.
I certainly dont think your a jerk……the legal beagal who was advising the games designer yes! but not you.
Thank you for your efforts in bringing a wonderful game to life and thank you for all your efforts
Why dont you do a similar hex based WW1 game based on Algernon pulls it off by the Too Fat Lardies or Red Baron board game, I am sure Richard would Ok Algy and only a bit of coding would need to be changed.
This is disappointing to hear – I war really looking forward to “The Blue Max” as the old boardgame commands high prices on the secondary market.
I played the original quite regularly and enjoyed it, no-one plays Wings of War/Blue Max where I game at, flying games in general are not played.
I would suggest you change the name and continue with the game – it sounds promising.
This is disappointing to hear – I was really looking forward to “The Blue Max” as the old boardgame commands high prices on the secondary market.
I played the original quite regularly and enjoyed it, no-one plays Wings of War/Blue Max where I game at, flying games in general are not played.
I would suggest you change the name and continue with the game – it sounds promising.